We have just launched Catamaran, which helps brokers and insurers create structured digital submissions to access capacity and indicative pricing from institutional investors  
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CatX for (re)insurers

Transform how you purchase and manage your reinsurance and retrocession. Access cost-effective risk transfer capacity from institutional investors.

Advanced digital submission tools

Use our powerful digital platform for effortless data entry and risk modeling including AI-powered document analysis. Build interactive dashboards to share transaction details and collaborate effectively with brokers and capital providers.

Access new sources of capacity

Connect with a diverse pool of capacity providers and receive instant quotes and pricing.

Digital placement process

Seamless end-to-end digital process for placing your risk, from document sharing to digital contract execution.

Compare and analyze structures for capital optimization or regulatory reporting

Leverage our suite of analytical tools to evaluate various risk transfer structures and their impact on your capital and solvency. Enhance your planning and meet regulatory requirements with confidence, supported by our comprehensive reporting capabilities.

How we help


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Lower your cost of capacity

Diversify your capital providers and access better-priced capacity.  

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Launch new products faster

Respond to market opportunities and quickly access capacity.

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Optimize risk management

Improve your risk management and access reinsurance opportunities that suit your strategy.

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Improve operational efficiency

Automate administration, document analysis and reporting.

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Optimize risk management with portfolio analysis

Our innovative technology helps to expands the range of options for cedents to transfer risk. By running capital simulations that assess the impact of specific events on different risk transfer structures, we provide insurers with valuable insights and enable them to make informed decisions.

  • Compare traditional and alternative capital structures
  • Access portfolio information
  • View risk models
  • Find risk transfer opportunities

Structure transactions and streamline the submission process

Access our digital submission builder, saving you time and effort to create a powerful submission dashboard. Share your submission with counterparties or submit to our marketplace to access capacity from institutional investors.

  • Secure collaboration
  • Structure broad range of transactions
  • Full control over data visibility
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Manage your risk transfers

Access a unique dashboard for each transfer that offers you a comprehensive overview of all your risk transfers, from contract management to claims tracking. Track any outstanding actions and generate reports.

  • Simplified, one-click reporting
  • View terms and contracts
  • Track and manage claims
  • Monitor transaction status